Sunday, January 30, 2011

Project 365

Jan 29 2011

Boy it's hard to capture come things on the camera. Today is foggier than this shows, and it's also heavily "misting" outside.

"My" trees.At least they're on my property, but the city has control. They have little city tags on them, "Touch these trees and we'll break your arms." All are pretty bad. The cut-out one is the best looking, the one nearest the house has almost no foliage, and it has a split trunk besides. And the middle is just not that nice. But I love what it gives the garden--a certain je ne sais quoi, despite crummy "soil", drinking all the moisture, and roots that go on forever.

 Then had to document my Jan garden. Don't even know what these are.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Project 365

Jan 27 2011

My over-the-back-fence neighbours, all lit up.

Project 365

Jan 26 2011

So this is the real 26th, the birds were a substitute for the 25th.

When I took the picture I was looking at the moss, and the "mini-moguls". When I downloaded it, the first things I saw were leaves which I hadn't even seen, never mind paid notice to. I love them--looks like I meant to take pics of leaves in moss.

Shows how lovely moss can be.

Project 365

Jan 26 2011

Again a glitch in days. Yesterday I took some garden pics when I got home from my marathon night shift/class day. In particular a pic of new growth in my Autumn Joy sedums. Next day--today--when I got home with Deer lake pics, I downloaded the DL pics and forgot to download yesterday's garden pics, and then cleverly formatted the disk. NUTS.

Anyway, aren't these guys a lot of fun? Don't know what they are...

Project 365

Jan 24 2011

Project 365

Jan 23 2011

Actually, this is a cheat. I thought of taking this pic when I got home, evening 23rd, but then immediately forgot about it. Remembered the next day, so since I didn't take a pic on 23rd, this is the substitute. Needless to say, I'm not going to be legalistic about getting a photo posted for every day.

I'm really glad the right side of the work shows.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Project 365

Jan 21 2011

Poor Jack gets terribly abandoned. I had to turn the light on this am before leaving for work so I'd remember to feed him when I got home. And almost forgot.

He and I have never bonded, and when he seemed to be the chief culprit in the disappearing tankmates mystery, I had no qualms about exiling him to the den aquarium. Then turned out he wasn't the guilty party. (Nor was his buddy, the other jack, the next to suffer exile. Apparently it was the pictus cat that jumped out of the big tank, because when he was also banished, the disappearings stopped.) In any case I never did find him amiable. Unlike his original namesake, who unfortunately expired at about age 9. Years.

Project 365

Jan 20 2011

First sleeve. Colour is a bit off--I find it very difficult to get highly saturated colours right. Red is the worst. This one is actually less purple, and deeper. I tried "fixing" it in Windows Live Photo Gallery, but couldn't make it do what I wanted. Will Windows never get it right? Or is it just me?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Project 365

Jan 19 2011
This is reflection in the water--Deer Lake of course. Jenny Lu would be proud of me. Except that I haven't started my Mandarin...

Project 365

Jan 18 2011

Viburnum. Can't remember the variety or cultivar.

Making notes on our findings.

Project 365

Jan 17 2011 (missed a day again)

Brenda finally got her Christmas present, and look! I left ends unfinished!! And not one, but two. :-(

Project 365

Jan 15 2011

Isn't this attractive? My next week's school assignment for Master Gardener.

Project 365

Jan 14 2011

Stepped out of the car and was greeted by this divine smell. Sarcococca humilis. The flowers on it are about 5mm. The whole "inflorescence" (I'm showing off my new-found knowledge) is only about 1 cm.

Project 365

Jan 13 2011


Project 365

Jan 12 2011

Started snowing last night, about 4-5" by this am. Only shovelled one car's width; boy, that was HEAVY snow. For a moment I was envious of people who have driveways that are too steep to use.

Project 365

Jan 11 2011-- missed a day already!

Not at all happy with "Rhodie Gus", despite the name. So these are toast, and I'm starting "Firestarter".

Project 365

Jan 10-2011

Monami Cardigan using Cascade 220. Sleeve.

Before Christmas I had multitudes of simultaneous projects, but once they were done, I was left with only my own things--socks, gloves, car-coat. Not enough projects on-the-go! So started this last night.

Project 365

Jan 8 2011

Project 365

Jan 7 2011.

RAIN. Really need to get these gutters done. And lo! no sooner had I said it (actually, thought it for weeks, but needed to get extension ladder from Steve, and wasn't looking forward to climbing up in the wind), but a guy comes to the door asking if I wanted my gutters cleaned for $40! I said yes, then he asks for coffee ("sorry, no"), and the garbage bags to hold the mess, and then left the garbage for me to dispose of.

Meant to only post one pic per day, but love this one. Sun came out (wind stayed up, hence not wanting to do my own gutters) and this is neighbour's tree.

Project 365

Jan 6 2011.

Aren't these the cutest guys ever? Clown loaches.

I didn't give much thought to how this Project would evolve, but I'd love to see my life proportionately represented here. The aquarium used to occupy one of the tops priorities in my leisure interests, but for a couple years I've neglected it terribly. Maybe P 365 will serve to remedy that a bit...

Project 365

Jan 5 2011

Very excited about this sweater. It's not as heavy as I'd expected, but still love it.

Project 365

Jan 4 2011
Still frosty, and ladybug hiding inside the "cristata".

project 365

Jan 3 2011
Frosty day, but new growth on front yard ajuga. Amazing purple.

Project 365

Jan 2 2011

On my way out the door crack of pre-dawn, recorded the disgusting way I'm leaving the house-- and have done for several days. This should be help me change my filthy ways--having the world witness my slothfulness!

Project 365

Jan 1 2011
Project 365

I read about this "Project 365" and thought it was a great idea, so here it is.

Deer Lake, Bby. What a day for taking pics. I'm hoping this project will not only improve my skill, but also my ambition.