Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Project 365

Feb 22 2011
The snow is still on the ground, so I thought these were frozen drops. But no.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Project 365

Feb 21 2011.
One of the latest snowfalls in my experience in Vancouver. Didn't we have snow one April here?

Project 365

Feb 20 2011
Burnaby Lake Park. Not nearly as "nice" (couldn't I come up with a more descriptive word??) as DLP. But at least they also have my herons...

Project 365

Feb 19 2011
Oops, forgot to add this. Can't stick to only one pic per day, especially a day like today. Anyway, helleborus in Deer Lake Park.

Project 365

Feb 19 2011.
Hamamelis mollis (don't forget to italicize genus and species epithet...) in Deer Lake Park, up by the rhodos. Oh my, I want this so much, but not this colour--I want either "Diana" or maybe "orange beauty" or "Jelena".

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Project 365

 Feb 12 2011
Yuck! This is the condition of my back shed. Not a beautiful object at the best of times, and clearly this isn't the best of times. And then the roof...

Feb 13 2011
I love these guys. Almost everyone is in this pic. Only the Chinese Algae Eater, the pictus, and the pleco are hiding.
 Feb 14 2011
Second time this single segment Christmas cactus is trying to bloom. It won't, and it would be a lot happier if I gave it a real home. But I feel there should be some actual growth on it before I give it more room.
Feb 15 2011
This picture is doctored consider- ably. I just couldn't get a colour or exposure I was happy with, so I played until I got something fun. Backyard helleborus. And then the dicentra. Aren't these wild? Almost look animal/fish-like. Primitive. Tropical.

Feb 16 2011
Pouring rain most of the day (pray tell, what else but rain would it be pouring??), then this around 5 pm.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Project 365

Feb 11 2011
Don't know what these are. The one on the far right must be a daffodil, but the others??

(Feb 20 2011 ETA: I already posted this picture, so clearly I had the date wrong. So what did I photograph today.)

Feb 10 2011
Oops, no pic. That would be now about Project 360.

Project 365

Feb 9 2011
This is how the pic opened--of course I took it vertically, but didn't instantly recognize it when it opened in Photo Gallery.
This of course is what it's supposed to look like. :-)

Project 365

Feb 9 2011
Follow-up on blooming iris reticulata.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Project 365

 Feb 7 2011

Clearly I'm "moss-obsessed"! But isn't this just the prettiest?
This Hellebore odorus is about 3"off the ground.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Project 365

Feb 6 2011
Candace noticed her iris reticulata in bloom, so I went looking for mine, and lo! here is one. I accidentally left the flash on, and even tho' I was only about 6" away, the flash worked really well.
 Here it is looking stunning. (If I do say so myself...)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Project 365

Feb 5 2011
This just looked like beautiful moss when I took it. But enlarging it makes it look even more beautiful.

 And I couldn't resist yet another picture of a Deer Lake heron. Grainy because it's on maximum digital zoom.

Project 365

Feb 4 2011
It's taken me an awful long time to get this sock done. Hope second sock will be a little faster...

Project 365

Feb 2 2011

Tried this a few days ago and couldn't get the deep colours of the sunrise. Today I put the setting on shutter priority (it's not called that--what is it called?) at about 1/4 second. But didn't want to go out in the quite cold to do it properly, so these are window blinds you're seeing through.

Project 365

 Feb 1 2011

Chilly first day of Feb 2011.