Sunday, March 20, 2011

Project 365

Mar 20 2011
The Phaelanopsis again. Backlit from the bright morning sun.

Project 365

Mar 19 2011
Have to record a lot of pics today--busy day for photogenic stuff.

First is what I'm calling first day of Spring garden. Viburnum, Sambuca nigra, iris reticulata, and an amazing crocus that I don't remember having before. Did I plant some new crocuses last Fall?

And then came the real full moon, apparently 30,000 km closer to earth than in the past two decades, and 15% larger, 30x brighter. (How do they define brightness?)

Had to also tak a pic of Grouse Mountain from Royal Oak.
(Really don't  love Blogspot's formatting!!)

Project 365

Mar 18 2011.
This silk arrived yesterday--actually arrived a few days ago, but didn't see the ticket. Always wonder why most items are left at the door, but some are taken back to the PO. Turns out it's registered mail. In this case from India. 750 m.

Project 365

Mar 17 2011
Thought this was the full moon. Sure looks like a full moon. Click on it to maximize.

Project 365

 mar 16 2011
Bought these yesterday at Home Depot. Amazingly cheap--one wonders what the hourly pay was for the growers!

Kept the white/green one and gave the speckled one to Beth. Matched her scarf!

Project 365

Mar 15 2011
New primulas in Eileen's teacups.

Project 365

 Mar 14 2011
Neville  St. Cherry trees about to bloom. And can you believe these weeping whatevers! I think there are 4 or 5 of them but couldn't get them all at my angle--there's a slight rise on the property.

Project 365

Mar 13 2011
Finished all pieces except the scarf. Front bands done, front pieces match!! Glory!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Project 365

Mar 12 2011.
Notice any themes in the almost 1/4year of pic- blogging? We have fish, garden, Deer Lake, more garden, knitting, Deer Lake, fish, more knitting, more garden, more Deer Lake, more fish. Anything else?

Project 365

Mar 11 2011. Evidence. This is Mum's mum, and like exists! Jude's: one has the tiniest sproutlet, the other nothing yet, but I'm hopeful.

Project 365

Mar 10, 2011
Bit boring pic, this is the green heathery (WOTA, Tidepool Heather) Japanese pattern vest. Japanese Vest Link

Project 365

Mar 9 2011
Looking down from front steps at crocuses beside sarcococca, then same crocuses from different angle.

Project 365

Mar 8 2011
Flower buds on Akebia.

Project 365

Mar 7 2011
This was in the mail when I got home, so after I'd done several rows of Coventry, tried out this cotton. Of course then spent ages looking for just th right pattern to knit with it.

Project 365

Mar 4 2011. So sorry, out of order :-). Mary B told me on her way in that the mountains looked amazing, so I looked behind me on the way home, and indeed, she was right. By the time I got home and out again, the clouds were beginning to creep in, and the sun wasn't sparkling up the snow as it had been 20 min before. But still pretty stunning!

Project 365

Mar 6 2011
I think this is an anemone.

Project 365

Mar  5 2011.  Snowdrops at Irmin St., snowdrops at Deer Lake.

Project 365

mar 4 2011
LOVE these iris reticulata. The burgundy isn't quite so burgundy, and the blue--what blue would you call that?--isn't quite so vivid.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Project 365

 Mar 3 2011
All the leaves of this "semi-evergreen" are off, but flowers coming out. Yeah!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Project 365

Mar 2 2011
Back at my favourite Deer Lake. WINDY!

Project 365

Feb 27, 2011.
Next morning. Have to shovel again of course, and much heavier today.

Project 365

Feb 26 2011.
Got home from work and set out to shovel, still snowing all the while. Very pleasant job, not too cold, and the snow was as light as I've ever noticed--really easy to shovel. Left the ridges for photogenic effect.

Project 365

Feb 24 2011
Nuts. Second front at least 16 rows too long.

Project 365

Feb 23 2011
Deer Lake, of course.